Be the first to learn of my news!
Hay how are you? I have a big year ahead! Get ready for the re-emergence of Ireland’s ancient warrior queen! Thankfully it’s much easier nowadays to communicate. In my younger days it was all horse carried messages, sending crows around the place and smoke signals.
Now a simple email has removed the need even to take the quill out. If you want to be the first to know about my exciting plans including a new book telling the real story of my life, please fill in the form below.
Get ready. It’s been a long time.
Also don’t forget to follow me on what I believe the kids used to call the Twitter machine twitter.com/maeveofconnacht.com. I am also on the ‘Gram. There is a bit of a story to that. It’s still a man’s world. The robots won’t allow me to have an account in my own name! Yet they will allow that Diana Prince wan they call ‘Wonder Woman’ register her name there. What the?! I wonder how long she’d last out our way. Mind you I would love to have her Lasso of Truth. There’s a few wans I’d love to get some honesty out of. Hence my other social account is instagram.com/legendsofaeroo. More on Aeroo in due course! Also if you want to hear whats going on in my world please sign up for my newsletter below. Things will be happening very shortly. Also I’ve been told to advise you to check your spam folder (What?!) to make sure my musings get through to you! Chat soon. Don’t be a stranger. M x

From the west of Ireland but always on the lookout to broaden my horizons do give a follow😉.