Without wanting to sound boastful, throughout the centuries the number of women who have come close to securing any sort of admiration from me has been quite small. That’s mainly because the gender has been oppressed for so long. In my time we might not have had broadband but a woman did have a certain standing. However as the world headed on the journey of apparant progress, women somehow saw their roles marginalised into the kitchen rather than at the centre of things in society.
Thankfully that is now changing. Still way too slowly for my liking but someone who’s views of the world I have admired is a namesake of mine. She’s already ahead there of course. I realise she is a fictional character but I admire so much of the way Maeve Millay is portrayed in the HBO series Westworl. Maeve runs the show in the local Mariposa Saloon and ends questioning her reality, after a series of flashback events – and an apparently chance encounter with Dolores Abernathy in the street outside the Saloon.
Her strength of character and fierce protection of her daughter really resonated with me. Also the way she shattered the glass ceiling (as well as doors, windows and walls😃) in her world should be an inspiration others!
Westworld is a crazy place. A themepark where guests pay good money to act out in a live action movie set in the American wild west.
Not one for the under 18s as a tv show but one to watch when you have flown the nest and are trying to make your way in the world.
The actress Thandie Newton is someone I would love to have in my legions at my shoulder either as her character on screen or as herself. I was interested to hear her talk about facing her nemesis in the show in this clip. No such concepts existed in my day of course. Acting? There was only acting the maggot at that time.
Go Thandie.👊

I am Maeve of Connacht. My formal reign in the fab province on Ireland’s west coast was 2000 years ago but my spirit has been reawakened. Did I ever truly go away?😉 Please feel free to follow me on social media. All will be revealed in due course at the appropriate time. Patience.🙏 Contact one of my minions at admin@maeveofconnacht.com.